Maintenance Tips for Your Grease Traps
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Grease traps are essential for restaurants, cafés, bakeries, or other commercial properties with busy kitchens. This equipment helps in preventing fat, oil, and grease from getting into your sewer system, which is why it’s important to keep it in tip-top shape at all times. Besides getting expert drain cleaning in Ontario, CA, here are a few valuable tips from Rossman Plumbing to help you maintain your grease trap.
1. Ensure Flawless Installation
Your grease trap will only function if it’s only installed properly. You can confirm this by pouring oil into it as soon as it is installed. If the grease trap doesn’t accumulate that much oil, have a professional come over and fix it. You can avoid this in the first place by contacting a reliable drain cleaning company to install the grease trap for you.
2. Dispose of Solid Food Waste Properly
Grease traps only hold grease to prevent a clogged drain from occurring, so don’t treat it like a trash bin. Scrape all food residue off plates and utensils before rinsing them off, and dispose of other waste in the garbage can. Otherwise, you might end with backups and nasty odors that might turn off customers.
3. Install Filters
Even if you scrape your plates, there will still be food and grease left, especially during the peak hours of your business. Accumulation of these substances can create problems in your grease trap that may require hydro jetting to solve. Installing filters on your sinks, dishwashers, and floor drains is an inexpensive yet effective way to keep out food scraps from getting into your grease traps.
4. Schedule Regular Maintenance
In most areas, the law requires establishments to have grease traps cleaned at least every three months. Check with your local regulations and schedule regular drain cleaning services from Rossman Plumbing to ensure a well-functioning grease trap.
The experts at Rossman Plumbing are always to lend a helping hand for all your drain cleaning needs, from drain snaking to grease trap maintenance. Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.
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